Point de rupture Tel1
320px X 568px
Point de rupture Tel2
360px X 640px
Point de rupture Tel3
375px X 6670px
Point de rupture Tabl1
768px X 1024px
Point de rupture A0
1110px (1024px) X 768px
Point de rupture A1
1366px X 768px
Point de rupture B1
1440px X 900px
Point de rupture C1
1680px X 1050px
Point de rupture D1
1920px X 1080px et plus
Point de rupture PRV1
Vertical plus de 768px
Point de rupture PRV2
Vertical plus de 1024px

Help the Vieux presbytère


Become a member of the Vieux presbytère de Batiscan and enjoy a number of advantages! Download the registration form, fill it and send it by email communication@presbytere-batiscan.com) or by mail (340, rue Principale, Batiscan (Québec) G0X 1A0).


You’d like to give some time and contribute to the liveliness of this beautiful jewel of Mauricie’s rural architecture? The Vieux presbytère de Batiscan is looking for volunteers. For more information, please contact us by phone (418-362-2051) or by email (communication@presbytere-batiscan.com).


The Vieux presbytère de Batiscan can receive donations, bequests and other monetary contributions, with movable or immovable value. To donate and receive a tax credit, please contact us by phone (418 362-2051) or by email (communication@presbytere-batiscan.com) or visit CanadaHelps.org.